One afternoon during the holiday season, I stopped by to see a friend who had recently had surgery. I knocked on the door and proceeded to go in. “Its me !” I yelled. He always knew my voice and it was just routine for us. This time I noticed that the TV was really loud and that my friend was not sitting in his chair recovering as I expected. “Help !” a voice comes from the kitchen. Oh no, he has fallen or badly injured I assumed. I ran into the kitchen as fast as I could get there…
There he was standing up on top of the kitchen counter. “What are you doing !?” I asked. He replies, “It’s Barney, he’s right there sitting in my chair wrapped in Christmas lights and he won’t let me get down !” I am thinking, Uh, what dude? So after 20 minutes of convincing him that Barney is friendly and he just needs to learn how to share, I finally put the pieces together to this amazing moment in time.
My friend had taken too much pain medication at the time he was falling asleep in the living room chair and clearly had a bad reaction to them. Well, lucky for him he had surfed through channels and ended up passing out to watching Barney’s Christmas special that evening. Classic. We’re- a- great- big- fam-ily. Happy Holidays!!!