I recall a time about ten years ago when I went to visit an elderly friend during the holiday season. She had all her beautiful decorations put up on display sparkling and glittering through the house with every turning doorway. I mean, this house was a time capsule for Christmas and all things Hallmark. The only thing missing was Bing Crosby himself. Yes, I know who he is and if you don’t, well…Google it. My eyes drifted between all the lights, pictures, cards and holiday candies strategically placed that surrounded her favorite sitting chair.
Then, something caught my attention. As my eyes gained focus on what I was intently looking to explain to myself, it became very clear that there were three stockings that hung form the fireplace mantle. These stockings were colored on with crayon, marker, glitter glue and words that read;” I love you granny and have a spirit Christmas.” As I walked closer to observe and feel what the material was, I realized all three stockings were actually paper bags that were for holding beer or liquor.
Sue, my elderly friend, then in her eighties says, “Those are my favorite, my great- granddaughter, Abby made those for me. Aren’t they precious?” “Yes. They look amazing” I said. The longer I stood there in wonder, the more the story unfolded about Abby. I learned that she was a very creative nine year old little girl who loved her granny very much, loved drawing and everyday has to wake up in a home with an alcoholic mommy and daddy who sometimes forgets to take her to school and that year had sadly forgotten to hang stockings for Santa or even acknowledge Christmas. Abby had taken upon herself to collect and hide three paper liquor bags from her parents floor and take them over to her granny- Sue’s house in knowing that Santa would surely make a stop here. I stood with my back turned as the tears came from my eyes in both sadness and in absolute hope and knowing that the power of the Holy Spirit was real and alive for Abby.
Sue’s chair sits empty now, but sometimes in life we meet someone that touches our heart and all you want and can do is pray for them knowing they are Spirit filled and all we can do is watch God work through them. I hope Abby is filled with the knowledge wherever she is and that you pour this beautiful scripture of God’s word into someone’s life this holiday season. Maybe it’s an old friend, a lonely widow, a neighbor or